AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

ADOT for EKS add-ons announces advanced configuration for Collector deployment

ADOT for EKS add-ons announces advanced configuration for Collector deployment

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) for Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) add-ons has introduced the ability to deploy an ADOT Collector during add-on installation. You can learn how to install ADOT for EKS add-ons on your EKS cluster by following the Getting Started with AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry using EKS Add-Ons guide.

Using the advanced configuration feature for EKS add-ons, customers can deploy a Collector to an AWS service of their choice, without the need to manage it themselves. Send traces to AWS X-Ray, or metrics to Amazon Managed Prometheus or Amazon CloudWatch, with this extended functionality of ADOT for EKS add-ons.

To learn about how the EKS add-ons advanced configuration feature can be used for ADOT, see the EKS add-ons Advanced Configuration for ADOT section of the getting started guide. Visit the EKS add-ons Advanced Configuration for ADOT: Collector Deployment section of the guide for more information on using the advanced configuration feature to deploy an ADOT Collector.