AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Prometheus Exporters

Prometheus Exporters

With the OpenTelemetry components, you can either instrument your application with the language APIs and their in-process exporters to send metrics data to a Prometheus backend or you can use the OpenTelemetry Collector with its out-of-process exporters to send metrics data to a Prometheus backend.

There are two types of Prometheus exporters available in OpenTelemetry - push based and pull based.

Read more here to learn when to use push vs. pull for Prometheus.

Push-based Prometheus Remote Write Exporter

A push-based Prometheus remote write exporter enables you to send metrics data generated from OpenTelemetry API, Prometheus instrumented libraries, or other sources, to a variety of Prometheus remote write integrated backends, including Cortex, Thanos, and InfluxDB. Users can visualize or configure alarms for the exported metrics to monitor the health of their services, improve performance, and detect anomalies.

Read this blog post to learn more about the Prometheus remote write exporter we implemented for the OpenTelemetry Collector. Here is another blog post to learn more about the Prometheus remote write exporter we implemented for the OpenTelemetry Go SDK.

Getting Started with AMP

Here is the guide for using the AWS Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) with the Prometheus Remote Write Collector available in AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry.

Pull-based Prometheus Exporter

Prometheus is an open source system monitoring and alerting toolkit that collects metrics data via a pull model over HTTP. The Prometheus server makes pull requests to the HTTP server exposed by the exporter and scrapes metrics data on a regular interval. Prometheus Exporter is used to maintain the HTTP server and to serve the metrics data collected by the OpenTelemetry Controller for Prometheus.

Read this blog post to learn about the C++ implementation of a Prometheus pull exporter.

Questions, Feedback, Issues

We would love to hear more common configuration scenarios or improvements to this documentation from you! Please submit an issue on the aws-otel community page to let us know.