AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Deploy a sample application to test the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector

Deploy a sample application to test the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector

The sample application will generate and send OTLP data to any of the services that you have configured through the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Collector deployment. This step is optional if you already have an application running inside your cluster that can produce data. Consult your application's documentation to ensure that data is sent to the correct endpoints.

The sample application and traffic generator were largely taken from an example in the ADOT Collector repository. A docker-compose.yaml file was translated to Kubernetes resources using the Kompose tool.

To apply the traffic generator and sample application, do the following steps. Make sure that you have satisfied the prerequisites and completed the procedure in Install the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Operator.

  1. Download the traffic-generator.yaml file to your computer. You can also view the file on GitHub.

    curl -O
  2. In traffic-generator.yaml, make sure that the second kind value reflects your mode. For more information, see Deploy the ADOT Collector on GitHub.

    kind: Deployment

    traffic-generator.yaml makes http calls to the Kubernetes service sample-app:4567. This allows the traffic generator to interact with the sample application on port 4567. sample-app resolves to the IP address of the sample-app Pod.

  3. Apply traffic-generator.yaml to your cluster.

    kubectl apply -f traffic-generator.yaml
  4. Download the sample-app.yaml file to your computer. You can also view the file on GitHub.

    curl -O
  5. In sample-app.yaml, replace the following with your own AWS Region:

    value: "<YOUR_AWS_REGION>"

    The following actions are defined by sample-app.yaml:

    • The Service resource configures port: 4567 to allow HTTP requests for the traffic generator.
    • The Deployment resource configures some environment variables:
      • The LISTEN_ADDRESS is configured to for HTTP requests from the traffic generator.
      • The OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT has a value of http://my-collector-collector:4317. my-collector-collector is the name of the Kubernetes service that allows the sample application to interact with the ADOT Collector on port 4317. In the ADOT Collector configuration, the ADOT Collector receives metrics and traces from an endpoint:
  6. In sample-app.yaml, update the value for OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT if it doesn't match your collector service name.

    For example, X-Ray requires replacing http://my-collector-collector:4317 with http://my-collector-xray-collector:4317.

  7. Apply sample-app.yaml to your cluster.

    kubectl apply -f sample-app.yaml