AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Troubleshooting for ADOT using EKS Add-Ons

Troubleshooting for ADOT using EKS Add-Ons

This topic covers some of the common errors that you might encounter while using the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Amazon EKS add-on. The topic also includes instructions on how to resolve or workaround the common errors.

Error: "code": "AccessDenied", "message": " \"opentelemetry-operator-leader-election-role\" is forbidden: User \"eks:addon-manager\" cannot patch resource \"roles\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"opentelemetry-operator-system\"

You don't have permission to install the ADOT for Amazon EKS add-on. See Install the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Operator. If you have deleted the add-on and are now reinstalling, make sure that you have applied the required permissions.

Error: "status": "CREATE_FAILED" or "status": "UPDATE_FAILED"

This can happen due to the following reasons:

  • There might be a conflict. You can overwrite conflicts by adding the --resolve-conflicts=OVERWRITE flag and running the create command again.
  • If you're using an add-on version earlier than v0.51.0, you may be on an unsupported architecture, such as arm64. Consult your logs to determine if this is the case. If so, updating your add-on version may resolve this issue because v0.51.0 and later are multi-arch.

Delete add-on error: "status": "DELETE_FAILED"

You can remove Amazon EKS management of the ADOT Operator add-on by adding the --preserve flag to your aws eks delete-addon command.