AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Container Insights ECS Prometheus

Container Insights ECS Prometheus

GettingStarted / Container Insights / Container Insights for Prometheus Support


To collect Prometheus metrics from tasks running on ECS and send it to CloudWatch using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector (ADOT). You can either run the collector as a sidecar or deploy the collector as its own ECS service for entire cluster. To use the pre-built dashboard in CloudWatch, you need to run a single collector for the entire cluster to attach task and service metadata. ECS tasks with Prometheus endpoints are discovered using extension ecsobserver. (Unlike EKS, there is no builtin discovery for ECS inside prometheus)


Follow these steps to run the ADOT Collector and Prometheus workload on ECS. You can skip some of them if you already have clusters or tasks running.


For discovering ECS tasks, you need to config IAM policy. For scraping discovered targets, you need to configure network

IAM Policy

Extra IAM policies are required to discover ECS tasks with Prometheus metrics. The full document with existing polices is included in the appendix IAM Policy Document. NOTE: The EC2 policy is required if you use ECS EC2 with bridge network mode. You can remove it if all your tasks are fargate or uses awsvpc network mode.



For the ADOT Collector to scrape metrics, connectivity between ECS tasks using private ip is required. Depends on how the cluster is created, you may need to configure security group to allow ingress within current VPC as prometheus pull metrics. The default VPC's security group normally allows ingress within VPC out of box, while some CLI tools such as ecs-cli creates new VPC with stricter rules.

When defining inbound rules, you can specify a strict port range if your task is using awsvpc as the network mode (ECS Fargate only use awsvpc). However, for ECS bridge network mode (only on EC2), the host port is random so you have to allow inbound on all TCP ports within the VPC.

# Enable all TCP inbound within same VPC
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id ${SG} --protocol tcp --port 0-65535 --source-group ${SG}


Configuring Container Insight Prometheus is similar to normal Prometheus pipeline.The overall flow of pipeline is:

  • Extension ecsobserver call AWS API and write discovered targets to a file in a folder that already exists such as /etc/ecs_sd_targets.yaml. A detailed explanation for ecsobserver config is in its source.
  • The Prometheus receiver includes the output file from ecsobserver using file_sd.
  • Prometheus relabel and EMF exporter's metric_declarations transform and select the right set of labels as CloudWatch dimensions.

A full example can be found in examples/ecs/aws-cloudwatch/ecs-container-insights-prometheus.yaml. It contains discovery and metrics extraction rule for all workloads. NOTE: Remember to replace {{cluster_name}} in the example file.

Following is a small example for JMX and NGINX using service and docker label based discovery with inline comments.

ecs_observer: # extension type is ecs_observer
cluster_name: 'my-ecs-cluster' # cluster name need to configured manually
cluster_region: 'us-west-2' # region can be configured directly or use AWS_REGION env var
result_file: '/etc/ecs_sd_targets.yaml' # the directory for file must already exists
refresh_interval: 60s # format is
# custom name for 'job' so we can rename it back to 'job' using metricstransform processor
job_label_name: prometheus_job
- name_pattern: '^.*nginx-service$' # NGINX
- 9113
job_name: nginx-prometheus-exporter
- job_name: "ecssd"
- files:
- '/etc/ecs_sd_targets.yaml' # MUST match the file name in ecs_observer.result_file
relabel_configs: # Relabel here because label with __ prefix will be dropped by receiver.
- source_labels: [ __meta_ecs_cluster_name ] # ClusterName
action: replace
target_label: ClusterName
- source_labels: [ __meta_ecs_service_name ] # ServiceName
action: replace
target_label: ServiceName
- source_labels: [ __meta_ecs_task_definition_family ] # TaskDefinitionFamily
action: replace
target_label: TaskDefinitionFamily
- source_labels: [ __meta_ecs_task_launch_type ] # LaunchType
action: replace
target_label: LaunchType
- source_labels: [ __meta_ecs_container_name ] # container_name
action: replace
target_label: container_name
- action: labelmap # Convert docker labels on container to metric labels
regex: ^__meta_ecs_container_labels_(.+)$ # Capture the key using regex, e.g. __meta_ecs_container_labels_Java_EMF_Metrics -> Java_EMF_Metrics
replacement: '$$1'
- key: receiver # Insert receiver: prometheus for CloudWatch EMF Exporter to add prom_metric_type
value: "prometheus"
action: insert
- include: ".*" # Rename customized job label back to job
match_type: regexp
action: update
- label: prometheus_job # must match the value configured in ecs_observer
new_label: job
action: update_label
namespace: ECS/ContainerInsights/Prometheus # Use the exact namespace for builtin dashboard to work
log_group_name: "/aws/ecs/containerinsights/my-ecs-cluster/prometheus" # Log group name format is fixed as well, the only variable is cluster name
dimension_rollup_option: NoDimensionRollup
- dimensions: [ [ ClusterName, TaskDefinitionFamily, ServiceName ] ] # dimension names are same as our relabeled keys.
- label_names:
- ServiceName
regex: '^.*nginx-service$'
- "^nginx_.*$"
- dimensions: [ [ ClusterName, TaskDefinitionFamily, area ] ]
- label_names:
- Java_EMF_Metrics # Label in metrics comes from docker label in task definition
regex: ^true$
- "^jvm_memory_bytes_used$"
extensions: [ ecs_observer ] # extension is declared outside pipelines
receivers: [ prometheus ]
processors: [ resource, metricstransform ]
exporters: [ awsemf ]

Deploy ADOT Collector

ADOT Collector needs to run as single instance. We use the replica service because it handles task failure. Replica is 1 otherwise we will have duplicated metrics. If you have a large cluster, you can shard the scrape targets using hashmod or use different discovery configurations for multiple collectors.

# Run ADOT Collector as replica service on EC2
aws ecs create-service \
--cluster my-ecs-cluster \
--service-name adot-ecs-prometheus \
--task-definition adot-ecs-prometheus:1 \
--desired-count 1


Sample Workloads

There are four workloads with pre-built dashboards, JMX is the easiest to get started with.


Details about example JMX workload can be found from CloudWatch docs ECS JMX Sample and ECS JMX Metrics Collected

Our integration test also includes a sample java app.


Detail about the example NGINX workload can be found from CloudWatch docs ECS Nginx Sample nginx-prometheus-exporter is an open source project.


NGINX Plus is similar to NGINX but requires subscription. Instruction for building image and run the workload can be found from CloudWatch docs Build Nginx Plus Image

AWS App Mesh

CloudWatch docs has a simple walk through ECS App Mesh Sample. Be aware it's not easy to set up Mesh. All the metrics (used in dashboard) are collected from Envoy.

View logs and metrics in the CloudWatch console

The log group is named after cluster. For example, /aws/ecs/containerinsights/my-cluster/prometheus. By default, the log stream name is otel-stream with a random suffix added. The _aws part in log defines which fields are going to be extracted as metrics dimensions. You can query all the fields using CloudWatch Logs filter pattern or Logs Insights.

cloudwatch console log

View pre-built CloudWatch dashboards

Pre-built dashboards can be found from sidebar Insights > Container Insights. Choose Performance monitoring from the drop-down and select your workload e.g. ECS Prometheus Java/JMX. You should find your cluster on the right dropdown.

cloudwatch console metric


Create ECS Cluster with EC2 instances

  • Download ecs-cli.
  • Create a new cluster, take note of the security group and subnet it created.
  • If you missed it, you can still find it from CloudFormation console, ecs-cli generates CloudFormation and applies it.
  • To make testing easier, update security group to allow ingress on all TCP port within the cluster, this makes testing easier. However, you might want to only allow specific port when you use non bridge network mode. Bridge network mode assigns random host ports so you have to allow all.
  • Delete the cluster by either deleting the AWS CloudFormation stack or using ecs-cli down -f -cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME}
# Create ECS EC2 cluster with 2 EC2 instances
export CLUSTER_NAME=aoc-containerinsight-prometheus-example
ecs-cli up --capability-iam --size 2 --instance-type t2.medium --cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} --region us-west-2
# Output is like
# INFO[0000] Using recommended Amazon Linux 2 AMI with ECS Agent 1.51.0 and Docker version 19.03.13-ce
# INFO[0001] Created cluster cluster=aoc-containerinsight-prometheus-example region=us-west-2
# INFO[0001] Waiting for your cluster resources to be created...
# INFO[0122] Cloudformation stack status stackStatus=CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
# VPC created: vpc-0fcxxxxx
# Security Group created: sg-04xxxxx
# Subnet created: subnet-03xxxx
# Subnet created: subnet-0exxxx
# Cluster creation succeeded.
# Update security group to allow ingress on all ports within security group
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id ${SG} --protocol tcp --port 0-65535 --source-group ${SG}
aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-ids ${SG}

IAM Policy Document

Policy document merged from ECS setup guide and Extra IAM Policy.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"

ECS Task Definition

NOTE: You need to replace placeholder values with actual value

  • The account id in the example is 123456 and is used in ARN for taskRole and executionRole, replace it with your own AWS account id.
  • amazon/aws-otel-collector:v0.11.0 is using dockerhub (potential throttle) and you can use latest tag if you don't want to lock version.
  • Collecting infrastructure metrics requires running ADOT Collector with root access and this can be configured through user in the container definition.
  • /aoc/ecs-prometheus is the name of SSM parameter.
  • networkMode can be bridge, host, awsvpc. For fargate, it has to be awsvpc.
  • logConfiguration is for log from ADOT Collector itself. Log groups for metrics/log collected by collector is configured using AOT_CONFIG_CONTENT.
  • requiresCompatibilities includes both EC2 and Fargate because ADOT Collector is scraping metrics via HTTP and does not need special host level access.
  • cpu and memory must follow Fargate's requirement e.g. cpu 255 memory 511 is invalid pair.
"family": "adot-ecs-prometheus",
"taskRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456:role/MyEcsTaskRole",
"executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456:role/MyEcsTaskExecutionRole",
"networkMode": "bridge",
"containerDefinitions": [
"name": "adot",
"image": "amazon/aws-otel-collector:v0.11.0",
"user": "root",
"secrets": [
"valueFrom": "/aoc/ecs-prometheus"
"logConfiguration": {
"logDriver": "awslogs",
"options": {
"awslogs-create-group": "True",
"awslogs-group": "/adot/collector",
"awslogs-region": "us-west-2",
"awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs-prometheus"
"requiresCompatibilities": [
"cpu": "256",
"memory": "512"