AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Tracing with the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry PHP SDK and X-Ray

Tracing with the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry PHP SDK and X-Ray


This guide covers the components of the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) PHP, and describes how to configure the relevant ADOT components to send trace data to the AWS X-Ray backend.

For more information on OpenTelemetry PHP, see the OpenTelemetry Developer Guide for PHP


PHP 7.4 or later is required to run an application using OpenTelemetry

Note: You’ll also need to have the ADOT Collector running to export traces to X-Ray.


In order to send traces from your application, the following OpenTelemetry PHP packages must be installed in your application’s root directory

composer require open-telemetry/contrib-aws
composer require open-telemetry/api
composer require open-telemetry/sdk

In order to use these packages, you must also install the GRPC package using PECL. See the instructions on the OpenTelemetry PHP repository for more information.

composer require open-telemetry/exporter-otlp
composer require open-telemetry/transport-grpc

Setting up the Global Tracer

Sending Traces to AWS X-Ray

In order to send trace data to AWS X-Ray, instantiate a new tracer provider and provide it with the X-Ray ID generator, X-Ray propagator, and OTLP exporter pointing to the collector's address.

// Initialize Span Processor, X-Ray ID generator, Tracer Provider, and Propagator
$transport = (new GrpcTransportFactory())->create('' . OtlpUtil::method(Signals::TRACE));
$exporter = new SpanExporter($transport);
$spanProcessor = new SimpleSpanProcessor($exporter);
$idGenerator = new IdGenerator();
$tracerProvider = new TracerProvider($spanProcessor, null, null, null, $idGenerator);
$propagator = new Propagator();
$tracer = $tracerProvider->getTracer('io.opentelemetry.contrib.php');

Using the AWS resource detectors

The AWS resource detectors are included with the X-Ray ID generator and X-Ray propagator in the open-telemetry/contrib-aws package.

The ADOT PHP SDK supports automatically recording metadata in EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, ECS, and EKS environments.

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory;
use OpenTelemetry\Aws\Ec2\Detector;
$client = new Client();
$requestFactory = new HttpFactory();
$detector = new Detector($client, $requestFactory);
$tracerProvider = new TracerProvider($spanProcessor, null, $detector->getResource(), null, $idGenerator);

To see what attributes are captured and how to add other resource detectors, see the OpenTelemetry documentation.

Debug Logging

To enable debug logging for the OpenTelemetry SDK, create a logger as follows:

use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Common\Log\LoggerHolder;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
new Logger('otel-php', [new StreamHandler(STDOUT, LogLevel::DEBUG)])

Instrumenting an Application

Warning: Some instrumentations are not yet stable and the attributes they collect are subject to change until the instrumentation reaches 1.0 stability. It is recommended that you pin a specific version of an instrumentation

When you instrument a library, every time the library is used, the request is automatically wrapped with a populated span.

Instrumenting the AWS SDK

Run the following command to import the AWS SDK Instrumentation:

composer require open-telemetry/contrib-aws:1.0.0beta3

Import the AwsSdkInstrumentation class in your PHP source code to activate the SDK instrumentation:

use OpenTelemetry\Aws\AwsSdkInstrumentation;

Tracing support for downstream AWS SDK calls to Amazon DynamoDB, S3, and others is provided by the OpenTelemetry PHP AWS SDK Instrumentation. The example below demonstrates setting up the AWS SDK instrumentation and tracing a call to S3.

use OpenTelemetry\Aws\AwsSdkInstrumentation;
// Initialize Span Processor, X-Ray ID generator, Tracer Provider, and Propagator
$transport = (new GrpcTransportFactory())->create('' . OtlpUtil::method(Signals::TRACE));
$exporter = new SpanExporter($transport);
$spanProcessor = new SimpleSpanProcessor($exporter);
$xrayIdGenerator = new IdGenerator();
$tracerProvider = new TracerProvider($spanProcessor, null, null, null, $xrayIdGenerator);
$xrayPropagator = new Propagator();
// Create new instance of AWS SDK Instrumentation class
$awssdkinstrumentation = new AwsSdkInstrumentation();
// Configure AWS SDK Instrumentation with Propagator and set Tracer Provider (created above)
// Create and activate root span
$root = $awssdkinstrumentation->getTracer()->spanBuilder('AwsSDKInstrumentation')->setSpanKind(SpanKind::KIND_SERVER)->startSpan();
$rootScope = $root->activate();
// Initialize all AWS Client instances
$s3Client = new S3Client([
'region' => 'us-west-2',
// Pass client instances to AWS SDK
// Activate Instrumentation -- all AWS Client calls will be automatically instrumented
// Make S3 client call
$result = $s3Client->listBuckets();
// End the root span after all the calls to the AWS SDK have been made

Custom Instrumentation

Creating Custom Spans

Use custom spans to monitor the performance of internal activities that are not captured by instrumentation libraries. Note that only spans of kind Server are converted into X-Ray segments. All other spans are converted into X-Ray subsegments. For more on segments and subsegments, see the AWS X-Ray developer guide.

// this span will be translated to a segment in X-Ray backend
$span = $awssdkinstrumentation->getTracer()->spanBuilder('segment')->setSpanKind(SpanKind::KIND_SERVER)->startSpan();
// this span will be translated to a subsegment in X-Ray backend
$span2 = $awssdkinstrumentation->getTracer()->spanBuilder('subsegment')->setSpanKind(SpanKind::KIND_CLIENT)->startSpan();

Adding custom attributes

You can also add custom key-value pairs as attributes to your spans. Attributes are converted to metadata by default. If you configure your collector, you can convert some or all of the attributes to annotations. To read more about X-Ray annotations and metadata see the AWS X-Ray Developer Guide.

$span = $tracer
$spanScope = $span->activate();
$span->setAttributes(["a" => "1"]);

Sample Application

See the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Sample Code with PHP SDK for instructions on setting up and using the sample application.