AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Build Collector on MS-Windows

Build Collector on MS-Windows

Run ADOTCollector on AWS Windows Ec2 Host

To run ADOTCollector on AWS windows ec2 host, you can choose to install ADOTCollector MSI on your host by the following steps.


  1. Login on AWS Windows EC2 host and download aws-otel-collector source code and build MSI file with the following command.
git clone
  1. Install aws-otel-collector MSI by running the following command on the host
msiexec /i aws-otel-collector.msi
or can be installed by double clicking the windows msi file.

While Installing the ADOTCollector it will show a popup mentioning that the software is not from verified publisher, this is because we have not signed the MSI one it is signed this popup will be gone

  1. Once MSI is installed, it will create ADOTCollector in directory C:\Program Files\Amazon\AwsOpentelemetryCollector

  2. We provided a control script to manage ADOTCollector. Customer can use it to Start, Stop and Check Status of ADOTCollector.

    • Start ADOTCollector with CTL script. The config.yaml is optional, if it is not provided the default config will be applied.
    & '.\Program Files\Amazon\AwsOpentelemetryCollector\aws-otel-collector-ctl.ps1' -a start
    • Stop the running ADOTCollector when finish the testing.
    & '.\Program Files\Amazon\AwsOpentelemetryCollector\aws-otel-collector-ctl.ps1' -a stop
    • Check the status of ADOTCollector
    & '.\Program Files\Amazon\AwsOpentelemetryCollector\aws-otel-collector-ctl.ps1' -a status